magellan accidentally discovered a passage that separated continental south america from the tierra del fuego archipelago, a very narrow strait difficult to navigate and dangerous for navigation. but much shorter and more protected than the strait. drake in the open. sea. around the cape horn , ferdinand magellan became the first european to was able to get from the atlantic ocean to the quiet water from the moment steamships appeared, which were little dependent on the wind and until the construction of the panama canal in 1914, the strait of magellan served as the main route for ships connecting the two main oceans. on november 1, 1918, a war began between poland and the western ukrainian people's republic, also known as the polish-ukrainian war, everything began spontaneously on the territory of galicia. she is galicia, both poles and ukrainians historically lived there, specifically rusyns for about a hundred years they fought for political and cultural influence. and as soon as austria-hungary broke up , the poles began to divide the territory , they were sure that the golitsy owed polan