where is the anticipated repayment and interest for tifia? >> that is actually not in the capital budget because it's a long term loan. the revenue is not in the capital budget that is source for payment. >> for the operations on the annual basis? >> correct. >> i think you might have presented this before but there is a total estimate. >> yeah tax increment revenue projected are between 9 hundred and 1 billion it's anticipated that would not be needed to repay the phase one loan and could be leveraged for phase two as well. >> and i'm assuming the reserve and contingency amount is to be determined because it's a risk assessment. >> yes. >> we're waiting for the recommendation of the risk manager to let us know what is the 50% cost at this level what will be the 30% and so forth. we're looking at the numbers to come up with 58 model as well as the montecarlo model. >> we get that reserve in the contingency amount. >> we have identified all of the nonrisks and give us the [inaudible] ones. >> any other questions? >> thank you. we want to empha