we had a problem with tigger. >> it wasn't the actual tigger. then three, and it was time for significanter's -- tigger's lunch break as my son was about to take his picture. i asked him to stick around. he did not want to. i said please stick around. he did not want to. there was a little bit of a conflict. then we made up. >> indeed. >> resolved. >> yes. >> allall right. you know something that didn't start well is the affordable care act, not so affordable care act. remember for weeks republicans were asking the white house, hey, how many people have signed up? how many people have enrolled? we don't have that information. the information we have is not reliable. we don't know. there is no way to know. okay. that was then. then yesterday the white house was bragging hey, since we fixed the web site, 29,000 people have signed up. okay. so how do they know now, but they didn't know then? a lot of people on capitol hill are going, wait a minute. they probably knew all along. they just wouldn't tell us. >> it sounds like an excessive celebration.