and theewish practice of tikkun olam-- repairing e world after hurrine katrina, four years ago this weeken pl, for muslims, the diipline and spiritual rewards of ramadan captioning sponsored b the lilly eowment >> abernethy: welcome. i'm boabernethy. good to ve you with us. ligious leaders across the spectrum were among tse offering tribus after the eath of senator edward kenne this week. sever faith groups praised his upport for healthcare reforms a moral issuend his work on poverty, immigration and ciil rights. kennedyas a roman catholic who advocated strict separati of church and state. he somemes took stands that conicted with the teachings of his church, such as s support for abortion rights. but he also sided with the church on many cial justice issues. boston cardinal se o'malley issued a statement sayin knedy was quote "often a champion for the po, the less founate and those seeking a better life." the world's more than one- billion mlims are celebrating their holy month of ramada it's a time of datime fasting and ecial prayers. in many parts the world, muslims are conducting spial