it's known as tikta. he's one of the 72 -- 73 federal igs. he's part of the ig council. >> appointed by the president? >> he was appointed by the president, yes. and confirmed by the senate. >> and so what -- how important was he in this process would we have known what was going on at the irs if he hasn't been in the mix? >> my understanding of this situation based on just reading newspaper reports and watching film is that -- and i could be wrong on this. my understanding is that his office was requested to do this audit by a member of congress. his office has been engaged in that work for a period of time. he was testifying on the findings of his report. obviously very -- his findings are of great interest to all of us. as a taxpayer, not sure i would be aware of that or the issues without the igs report. >> let me show you on the screen only of the vacancies so the public can know. state department at the time we're recording this, 2,051 days, someone has been nominated for that job but not confirmed? >> yes. recently my understanding is