. >> my name is tilen, and i am the director for a campaign for better nutrition and i serve on the cool district and much longer than i like to admit. >> one of the things that iment to talk about is a number of important things that have been raised to the healthy food purchase supplement and we had an opportunity in san francisco to go to the holy grail of public policy we take the local innovation to drive national policy and we know that it is difficult to be innovative around food where they are cutting food stamps by millions of dollars and what we have a chance here to do is to take the success of a program like the summers market program which my organization has been operating for the past five years. and leverage that into a larger program, for the entire city, that would meet a lot more needs and show nationally, what can be done when we can be truly innovative without all of the restrictions that exist. and so we encourage you to look at that program and look just at the farmer's market and when we started that program,, there are only ten ebt purchases per market day and th