sociologist tillchicago sent out resumes for job openings for white collar entry level positions in several different states. he quote the one of the resumes as gay by saying the person had been treasurer as the campus gay organization. and the other he left as just a volunteer position at some other nongay organization. he sent them both out to the employers, and the differential treatment of the gay applicants was very clear. to just give a perspective, to get an interview for a job, a gay applicant had to apply for 14 jobs, whereas the head row sexual applicant only had to apply for nine jobs to get an interview. another study sent actual applicants, one transgender and one nontransgender to apply for 24 jobs in the retail sector in new york. in half of those jobs, 12 out of 24, half of the employers, the nontransgender applicant actually got a job offer. in only two 2 of those 24 employers did the transgender applicant receive a job offer. and that's a high degree of discrimination. two decades of research suggest this kind of discrimination has important economic harms, in particular f