hundred ninety two standoff between protesters and the regime erupt into street fighting involving all tillery and tanks. gamsakhurdia had to fly. the country. knows it was george's second president the experienced political heavyweight that backed me spread a story because soon after he took office he lifted the opposition political parties and allowed independent media. after i went into business in one nine hundred ninety three i launched a project called. over ten years i turned a small studio in the provincial town of the study into a leading national broadcaster. to t.v. channel rushed at the country's new leaders including president eduard shevardnadze and was focused on runaway corruption. corruption in the economic sphere was enormous off the shevardnadze came to power but on the other hand businessmen learned new skills in tune with modern times and a real market economy took shape true there was pervasive corruption from top to bottom but there was also freedom of speech and individual liberty the sort of quagmire that we have now didn't exist then. independent t.v. channel two beca