presence by tim chan, acting group manager, station area planning, bart. public comment is welcome. item 10, public comment. items not on today's agenda, but within t jurisdiction of the mdc. each speaker is limited to three minutes. please approach the microphone or give your comment card to mod staff. item 11, information item. correspondence. item 12, discussion item, council member comments and announcements. item 13 adjourned. o-chair blacksten: ok, thank you, staff, we appreciate that. so, let's go onto item 3, with which is public comment. we do have public comment card. could you approach the microphone? >> we have two, the fst is from the person with disability foundation. >> good afternoon, council members. i am the program manager for public awareness and education for people with disability foundation. pwds is a public nonprofit agency that provides legal services for people with psychiatric, intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, as well as public awareness events so this population can achieve equal opportunities in all aspes of life. our advocacy program by m