among the calls' signatories are climate activist tim dechristopher, renown environmentalist bill mckibben, indigenous activist winona laduke, environmental lawyer robert f kennedy, junior. a number of groups also joined the call, including the united auto workers union, unitarian universalist association, physicians for social responsibility, the indigenous environmental network, . more than 67 million acres of public land and ocean are already leased to the fossil fuel industry. the coalition says that declaring unleased oil, gas and coal on public lands as "unburnable" would accomplish more in the global fight against climate change than any other single action taken by the obama administration. meanwhile, in canada, a group of more than 100 leading activist, writers, musicians have released a wide-ranging call for economic and environmental change to address "the deepest crisis in recent memory" -- i'm a change. the leap manifesto calls for to build energy efficient homes, ending fossil feel subsidies, and cutting of a terry spending. signatories include musicians neil young, l