which if you remember ended badly for those who bought at the top, the man ventured capitalist tim draper has chosen to partner with to spot and incubate crypto startup is here, do they see a crash or crush coming. nike about to report earnings, the pandemic spawning a new running boom, it is not nike but brooks running. tim weber sharing his plans past nike. that is coming up. the fox business alert house majority leader steny hoyer in the last 38 minutes told members to keep their schedules free through sunday and possibly next week to finalize coronavirus relief and government funding. we have a 5:00 p.m. deadline for the next step on a funding bill to avoid a government shutdown and of course in fewer than nine hours the statutory funding to run the government goes dry. to blake burman at the white house with the latest. >> it's remarkable what you laid out on the one hand were talking about the federal government potentially shutting down and on the other a 900 billion-dollar deal that they are trying to put together at this point and both of those can go together with each other whi