for more we had assemblyman tim eustis here via skype. can you tell us about your bill and what you hope it will do? >> the bill hopefully will stop the transit of these trophy parts or the animals from other countries into the u.s.. the point is it's unnecessary to spend $55000 to kill an old 13 years old an old old lion. these practices are barbaric. >> this has been going on for decades. there is poaching of elephants going on constantly. why does this man have to be the poster child for bad african hunters? >> you are not allowed to kill lions in kenya. the people we worked with have a long history of killing lions to protect themselves and to prove their manhood and they're not killing lions. this is an embarrassment. this is the return to the ugly american. >> this was a protected reserve. this line should not even hunted and that is why they lured him off of the reserve to do this ugly killing and that's why the other people with him the trackers are facing criminal charges. >> what i want to do is although we can solve. if all sta