tim jeffries will no longer be the director of the department of economic security. he was marred by controversy, including buying alcohol for workers at a party in nogales. be sure to connect with cbs5 on facebook, twitter, instagram, share your story with us using #cbs5az. a lot of people are out travelling, it's the start of the holiday. make sure you remember patrols, they are out in full-force. >> we'll have a live report of what's happening at sky harbor as you're waiting for some folks coming in from back east, midwest. gonna be pretty wild. >> thank you with prism tv from centurylink, you can get over 320 channels, whole home dvr, plus you can watch on your devices. and the best part is, you don't have to deal with cable. we love not having cable. but, paul, babe, when -- when was this headshot taken? oh, uh, i don't know. recently, i guess? uh... okay. yeah. [ chuckles ] so, like, recently, recently. centurylink. sweetie, you know what we're craving right now? crispy chicken and fried egg with bacon-like brunch. brunch? but it's 8pm-and it's tuesday- huh, i