first i would like to have tim kalman stand and be recognized. tim is ours -- our south dakota state geologist with the department of natural resources. he saved lives with his water flow projections. without 10, we would not have had accurate rejections on the rising rivers. the data we were getting from the federal government and the federal river forecast center was too unreliable and we couldn't depend on it. tim gave us accurate projections to know when the crest was coming and we would have the most water hitting us. -- when we would have the most water heading us. conservation officers acted heroically to save lives. you all stand as well? i want to highlight one story in particular. one individual was stuck on a highway overpass. they were stuck without food or water or a way out of the extreme heat. emergency management officials were trying to coordinate a helicopter rescue in the middle of the flood. that would have been extremely dangerous because of the fast water, debris and other hazards. a local official walked into the emergency o