tim kane did that study, and shares his results. he's a research fellow at the kauffman foundation. >> the odds of a veteran becoming ceo of a major us company are roughly three times higher than non-veterans. that either means the military is overflowing with great leaders, or it is mismanaging and driving away its best captains. let me share with you the results of a survey i conducted of 250 west point graduates from the classes of 1989 through 2004, recruited blindly. 93% say that half or more of the best officers leave the military early. do active duty officers agree? 81% do. two-thirds believe their unit commander supports creative thinking, but say the personnel system is to blame for rewarding seniority over merit, failing to weed out weak officers, and poorly matching jobs with talent. get this-- 55% want the personnel system radically reformed. you can read the full report from nbr's web site as of today. but if you're worried that pentagon bureaucracy is harming national security, you're not alone. the graduates of west