american heroes is the name of the book james patterson and matt eversmann are the authors with, tim malloy and chris mooney, thank you for your time. mr. patterson oh, yeah, thank you. thank you. i hope it's a book tv. that'll be my next thriller. john mackey does the original whole foods store on lamar avenue in austin still exist? yes, but not as a whole foods market. it's now it's a goodwill store. when did that happen? it it was a record store after we we we relocated a bigger location back in 1995. so it had a 15 year n as a whole. food 1980 to 1995. we just a block down the road to a 36,000 square feet so three times bigger and a cheapo record disk took it over that they were there for about ten years and goodwill has been there ever since. well, how in 1980 did you get to lamar and 10,000 square feet for that first wholefoods store? well, that's a much longer story. and of course, my book deals with that, because we had a small on called, safeway, and it was an old victorian house. my girlfriend, i lived in the ho that hohat store was a vegetarian store, didn't really sell alcohol o