occasionally when asked by a state lawmaker weighed in about these issues, they're going back to when tim meares first chairman under bush 43 read a report on competition in wine sales, we have been involved from time to time in this issue. if there's a particular matter, i'll circle back with your office and try to give you a sense of whether they're going to start to think about doing something. also the states are the one who is would regulate alcohol for a safety perspective. >> mr. yoder? >> thank you, madam chair, chairman, i appreciate you being here today. we have a very difficult task in front of us in congress and one that's not lost by both of you gentlemen and anyone on the panel and that's how we find a way to balance the federal budget, find a way to cut spending and get our federal spending back in line with our resources. i was really intrigued by the conversation we were having towards the early part of the hearing, regarding the 59 additional ftes, regarding the selling of the building and as we are looking for additional savings, one of the standards we have to use here, relat