so he's not telling the truth. 18 inches on the drawings was handwritten in and not signed by tim o'sullivan. i want you to recognize that. thank you >> i want to clarify something else. when we met we talked about the 24 inch from the bottom of the mat foundation to the bottom of our footing and the thickness of the slab would have to be adjusted. they're not proposing a thick mat slab which is going to be six or seven inches above the street because i don't know cars that go over 7 inch slab. i don't want to be at this hearing i suggested if you have an engineer let's talk to them tonight is the first time i've heard they have an engineer. they were he supposed to submit a closure letter saying they've reviewed the design. there's nothing on the application saying they've done that. so if they've done that i don't know why we're asked to meet here. they don't want to communicate with us for some reason. the last time they dug out there someone spent a quarter of a million dollars. they don't have a letter. they need to submit this as part of the permit it's a public document and we would l