constitution the president the senator from iowa will now administer the oath to the president tim patrick j lahey. >> do you solemnly swear to all things pertaining to the impeachment of donald j trump former president united states now pending that you will do an impartial justice according to the constitution and the laws so help you god. >> i do so help me god. >> at this time i will administer the oath of the senators in the chamber in accordance article one section three section of the constitution and the senate impeachment rules. all centers now rise and raise her right hand. >> to you solemnly swear in all things pertaining to the trial of the impeachment of donald john trump former president of the united states now pending do it justice according to the constitutional so help you god. >> all the names in groups of four senators will present themselves at the desk to sign the oath book. >> mr. baldwin. >> mr. brosseau. >> mr. bennett, mrs. blackburn. [silence] [silence] [roll call vote] [roll call vote] [roll call vote] [silence] [roll call vote] [silence] [roll call vote] [silence] [rol