melanie phillips, in your 20 book "the world turned upside-down --" 2011 -- the global battle over god, truth, and power, you write: the issues of global warming, the war in iraq, and israel, and science tim got in common? not a lot but they all involve the promotion of beliefs that purport to be unchallengeable truth but in are in fact insidologies in which evidence is manipulated, twisted, and distorted to support and prove the governing idea. >> guest: i believe that we're living in an era in which the idea of throughout, objective truth, has been to a very large extent replaced by ideology, and there wasn't a great movement of thought that we're in a post modern age and what that meant was there was no such thing as objective truth. if you think there is such thing, you're basically pretty stupid. you're not properly educated, because we're very clever. but it is a matter of opinion. you say this is the case. i say, that's your opinion. well, if there's so thing as truth, then there's no such things as lies and consequently we're living in an area where people are suggestible to lies s and propaganda and can no longer distinguish between truth and lies, and that has preoccupied me a g