it's where i started our discussion with tim phillips when we met up in aurora. he's in dire straits against senator michael why not colorado? >> we try to get involved where we think we can make the biggest difference. and we think in colorado, it's in this congressional race with congressman kaufman. >> so you guys are going door to door talking to folks. what happens when you knock on a door and somebody wants to talk about the biggest story in politics which happens to be donald trump, what do you say? >> we say we're focused on this congressional race and we want to talk about the issues, on how kaufman has done a good job urging them to vote no on her. it's a race getting a ton of coverage. i know the candidates have been in colorado a lot. but we stay focused where we can make the biggest difference. >> big debate in colorado these days about where this state stands politically. based on what you see, honestly now, where's colorado? where's it going? >> in non-presidential years our sign has shown to do very well. but if you're truly going to move a state