the contractors, the builders and melanie and phillips, our land use attorney, tim ruben, the brokerage firm, elliot and english and special thanks to my partners from the corporation. jeff, our vice-president of development and construction services. carl brown, the project engineer, brandon hwang, director of development, and senior vice-president of development services, we live in a world today where there is business, there is civic responsibility, there is opportunity to create these amazing environments. the city of san francisco like any well intended entity, it will make a few mistakes here or there, but by and large, when you just as we all do as husbands and wives and parents, when you take a look at san francisco in the total context, i know of no place in this country that is this forward thinking, it's a liberal city that understand in order to have the money to do great things for citizens, it has to have a robust business climate. i can't think of a better place to be, it almost makes me teary eyed what we can do with this country if we had the same spirit as san francis