. >> supervisor, tim tario, i actually jumped up at the last item but didn't get up here in time. i'm going to do something a little unexpected and praise bailly. when it was finally approved, i thought a vehicle by the interest -- that was an about reason we have i am had for a second term and i view the failure to replicate that. you have a simpler situation here. you have -- instead of multiple developers, you have a single developer and you have the most responsible developers around. i think their performance at 835 market indicates and we ask you to approve this term sheet. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> good afternoon. i'm rodriguez and representing the brother hood of electrical workers local six. we're in support of this. pier 70 has been a neglected part of the water front for a long time. it will bring a sense of pride to the citizens of san francisco and will allow people from all over the nation to enjoy a piece of our history. this is an opportunity for us to beauty fie the water front. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon