tim vantress is following the story ... he's on campus for more, tim?ese blue lights have been around for over a decade, providing instant contact with the police in case something goes wrong. but now ... about one out of every two of these lifelines are not working. ">>>this is just one of the 12 blue light phones on campus ... that are not working. u-p-d works with campus staff to monitor the 23 blue lights to keep them up and running. but media relations director pat lopes harris says the poles are aging and they take beating from wet weather. "over time, there is definitely wear and tear, there is definitely changes in technology. our campus has tried very hard to keep these phones in working order." the importance of keeping the blue lights working was evident last saturday morning, when two of them were activated at 12:35 am. devon thames, a reporter for the spartan daily, was listening to her police scanner when she heard ten university officers dispatched near the event center. "by the time i got here, the ambulance was showing up, and i heard o