my name is tim westmoreland and i'm a professor here at georgetown law and more important for today's purposes i'm a senior scholar at the o'neill institute on health. i am sorry to say that dena trainor has just the story then called away for a family issue and so i'm happy to say that probably makes me dean for the day. but, i'm welcoming you here today for the o'neill institute, which was founded about 10 years ago because law is and will be a tool to solve health problems, locally, nationally and globally. for almost a decade o'neill has worked with all parties, governments, policymakers, ngos and the private sector to develop law as a means to arrive to innovative answers to domestic and international concerns. o'neill is hosting this conference on food to help understand the many ways the public health can be improved by addressing how americans produce and eat food. it is obviously when the most basic part of our lives. food is one of our business-- personal expenditures and one of the biggest sources of jobs in america. increasingly, it is recognized as one of the biggest comp