we will be presenting that at the up coming tima board meetings. we also conducted a full review of our operating costs and have taken the following costs to reduce expenditures, including the delay of hiring staff positions, decreasing debt service costs, and reducing administrative operating costs and expenditures. finally, we are proposing to reduce the revolving credit agreement by $50 million from the adopted budget, and this decrease is mainly due to a higher ending fund balance at the end of last year, with capital expenditures coming in lower than anticipated. we will continue to monitor capital spending closely, and if we pull down from the revolver we will bring it to the board for approval. next year we'll be presenting the 2022annual budget and work program for information with the final proposed budget for adoption in june. and with that, i'm happy to take any questions. >> chairman: commissioner melgar? >> yes. thank you. thank you very much for the presentation, ms. yu. i do have a question. in the decreased expenditures from prop "k