tag public university jumped to pore than 21-thousand dollars translates iito bigger loansa at a timeewhens hard to find a job.as dan lothianneeplains... president obama is pushingg ppan that he says could help moreethan a miilion and a half people. people. 3 --reporter pkg-as the seasonnfell across the denver campus of he ran into riia whittington, aa - seems to have already eerned a deggee in student loaan."it's quite burden i've taken out extensive loans. first i educated my children, three of them i sent to college..so i &phave parent loans and now i have student loanss so this is extremely costlyyfor me."the ostly burden f a college he education is weigging n studentssacross the country. where earning a diploma is followed by this reality: an thousandddollaass"truthfully pt's the silent killer because you actually never see the money it's usually financial aid and things likk that or know kinda never having it - tangibly in your hands makes it more a very difficult o conceptualize how much the debt iss" attempttng to lessen the shock and lighten the load, president obama went to denve