2kther be i think she took, i don'tlvbabve day to let them kn pregnalvntba, bvan rebaalbvso mak@e timenoc ce life i've >> tom: henry is her husbandn of 16 years.lv lvbabv@noc ssing up his friends2 >> i moved up in line noc rec 2t night?mvbabv@mvbabv@noc rec @,n2 babvg.mv @noc rec 2en her withoutc rec 2v rec abv@noc bv@noc c rec 2 to c.emvbabvthe washington postn mvbabv@ no noc hobv@ 2some up, otnoc rec 2 that were elevator pitchmvbabv>o her game.mvbabv@noc rec 2e danov morning, she quickly got inevat@ still babvpossib@le, annod c thre prnoopc errelyc d2ressed wom elevator.rec 2 >> and we got to the lyou look v bv@noc rec 2utpamelanv nbaewbvmo i'm catherine grnoc rec 2 meet you.y pamela could do this. nv wanvntbaedbv to ge@t in washington post, but i'v babvnever @been anoblc e retoc 2 follow up wi please do, pamela.nvbabv babvand th@at wasno pc rore@noc2 her tenacitynvbabvult?ovbabv@bvy else who covbabv an elemebody wovhoba ibvs impo@ c re@erine nogrc ahreamc , 2anso and i think that story @otivates her team, becausovbatv c recrc ea2@pportunonic tyre.c 2 and so people want to be on he import