timethan 1/5 of the total has elapsed for these officials to begin to learn their roles before they stepo office at noon on january 20. to have you respond to we hamilton, john bolton, the former security advisor to the president, talking about the dangers of not passing on this information from the current administration to the incoming one. >> we need a better process for transitions between one administration and another for national security officials, so its nation does not lower guard every four or eight years. believe the united states is vulnerable to attack or corruption because the transition is not unfolding in the usual way? >> i do not think we should be a -- apocalyptict about it. every day that goes by that the transition does not proceed in an orderly fashion leaves us more vulnerable. i speak as a veteran of the days werecount, 37 lost with no real ability for the team to interact with the government and the 9/11 said that might have been a factor not being ready for 9/11 attacks. no one can really know that and all like would say is, do you want to take the chance again