timothy snyder is author of "the road town freed unfreedom: russ europe, america." >> professor snyderlcome from yale university in new haven. >> glad to be with you. and i just want to quote something from your book. it's built around the idea that "if russia could not become the west let the west become russia." what exactly did you mean? >> the basic idea of the road to unfreedom is that ideas don't have to travel from west to east. they did for a while, but they aren't anymore. ideas can also travel from east to west. so from russia to the european union or from russia to the united states. what i meant in that particular quotation is that russia has not managed to establish a certain kind of regime with the rule of law, with assured social advancement, with predictable meaningful democracy. and the way that it's resolved that failure is to export it to other people. to the european union. to the united states. this serves a domestic political purpose because you don't want russians thinking that better things are possible elsewhere. it also serves as effective foreign policy becau