twainnprize for merrcan humor, tonight.othhr eeteetainers will deliver tributes to degeneres.past tina ffyell and osby- steveemartin.theetribute will aii oo octooer 30, on p-b-s. tte tallest man in america... makes a very tall order. order.(beg. offpkg) "oh wow." -butt to-"how do they feel?" "feels like a cussion inside.. 3ovvr the eekend... igorr vok-o-vinsky stepped into a 25- thousand-dolllr pair of reebok designers sed laser ttchnology and molds... to is ersonalized wiih his name and exact heiggt: 7 feet, annd "i never thought again, i'd have aapair of shoessthat comes off the shelf. and to have all oo these things personalized specifically tt mee it goes above and bbeondd anytting i had ever hoped for." for.""gor had been raising moneyyon ffcebook o heecould pay for the shoes... bbt then reebbk decided to cover the cost.he saysshe'll now save phe money to buy shoes ii the future. &pthe full body scannnrs that removed ffom airports across the counnty. coontry.the transportation pecurrty administration wiil with newer machines at major security screening process. accooding toothe websit