tina moore this summer and of summers. reserves itind some will obviously take more years for them to develop those. yearuld be a five or 10 commitment on their part before production is up and running. alix: it is not as if they are going to start drilling tomorrow. talk to us about what else they have to do to make this a viable project. abigail: he conditionally approved their exploration plan area a have to get permits to drill from the bureau of safety and environmental enforcement. they have to get other authorizations under the protection act and endangered species act from the u.s. fish and wildlife service. and then there are a couple of permits from the state of alaska that are still outstanding. alix: take you so much for your perspective on this potential deal. abigail hopper, director of ocean bureau energy management. you have the global bond routes sending the 10 year yield to a 2015 high on friday. all of this comes as the u.s. gets ready to auction billions of dollars in coupon bearing debts. joining us no