i'm tina tang it's important to know the historic evaluation report was prepared we a qualified xhounltd architecture group they concluded the presence of a non-continuance district related to the era facility that this site the dupont was part of the district and within this district we are as you sit here now the list that marvin put up is a slide united states courts and the shape of the park itself, the landscaping along the perimeter of the site, however, because of sequa and the way we evaluate is condition the baselines we were only tasked to look at what's there now a building that's been stripped of the orientation of the material as a result we didn't think that the building reached a significant integrity to represent the building from that era. >> so what was stripped all the paint what else. >> the stucco and the details and even though material itself the workmanship. the design. >> okay. >> i got a question so will we see the floout of the columns and someone took a jack hammer to it is it typical of lead abatement. >> i'm not sure i can answer that. >> the concern i have