well, we spoitke wh esprident n'bides tinaonal security viadser, jake suanlliv, rleaier, tod finout. heis t psiredent committoed t exndg inthe deadline in ghanistan toe maksu erevery amer iicans t ousafely? he>> t psiredent is commd itteto riensungha tt every amer wicanho was ntto leave afgsthanianet gs out fgof ahastnian.he bieelves that we can mpaccoli tshhat by augus.t 31 >> o'donneexll: acy tlhow many amanerics e arleft behind in anafghisn?ta w>>ell, norah, u.the s. gornntme doesn't acty uallknow thpre ecise answerth to at question, anatd th'sec bause we asevy eramerican whoes com to afghtaanisn rtoegister with the eu.s.mbsyas. buent wh ppleoe leave, they n oftedot n'de-register. anend ev se omwho come, never registn er ithfie rst place. >> o'dllonne: w hoyou can make resu every ameriiscan ofut i you don't knowow h myan ericans are fgin ahastnian? >> one is enthe ti dreatabase of americans wthate veha in afanghistan. and we g cano ttohem through evy ermeans of con wtacte veha reand acouh t and say, "ouif y ntwa to come hom ie,f you want toet g out, come teo th rpaiort." e thsecon