are going. >> what i am thinking, if we can zoom out for a moment, for lack of a better term, the tingley we have been discussing, put that back in, and took some population out of st. luke's and randall that we have talked about, the last meeting at least, and put that from nine into eight -- is that how that works? [inaudible] >> i understand, but it is possibly undoing some of that so as to restore the line along 280. it is a possibility, and i'm not ready to present it yet. i am looking if this works. you would have to go north there, over there, and then from nine into 11 along stony brook, stoney ford, stoney-something and madison, into 11, to rotate in a clock wise fashion. and if there are probably 800 people in each chunk, then that works. that is what i am frying to determine. chairman mcdonnell: and the rotation solving? >> if it is appropriate to have the ti inch gley cut-out at 11 or if there should be a border cut there. we have had different things relative to that border. chairman mcdonnell: ok. any questions with regard to understanding the intended rotation? finish your