we are witnessing a tinmen in tehran. -- tiananmen in tehran, and the united states of america must stand in the gap on behalf of those brave iranian citizens who are standing for free and fair elections, democracy and basic rights. freedom in fact may be flowering in iran as hundreds of thousands rally for democracy and free elections. while i appreciate president obama's comments yesterday at the white house that he was, quote, troubled by the violence , and his belief that the voices of the iranian people should, quote, heard and respected, it seems by myelitis that this administration has yet to express the unqualified support of the american people for those who are courageously taking to the streets for free elections and for democracy in iran. let me say from my heart, the american cause is freedom and in this cause the american people will not be silent. here or abroad. if the president of the united states won't express the unqualified support of our nation for the disdense in the streets of tehran, this congress must. today i'm introducing a resolution that will do just that. it