annoyance of the competition as many as seven hundred works have been attributed to him although tintoretto could never have painted them more himself he had a huge workshop with lots of assistants and three children who also painted. with their help he created what then was the world's painting populated by more than five hundred figures besides using live models tend to retro also created little scenes with miniature figures lit by candles to help them create his complex sensual and dramatic way. to celebrate his five hundredth birthday there is a major show in the doge's palace in venice and another exhibition focusing on his early work in the gallery a delicate a media paintings have been loaned from all over the world. so the miracle of the slave from fifteen forty eight is one of the artist's most miraculous and radical paintings. in. st mark's suspended upside down in the air protecting a slave who is about to be martyred. always ready. to retro a renaissance master whose work continues to inspire venetians and tourists alike. and how they are a fashion and to something that looks go