but i'm almost positive it's tipper gore. i'm gonna go with d, tipper gore, final answer. >> that's $7,000. s and applause] $7,000. now a chance to get to five figures, $10,000 is what this next question is worth. >> okay. [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ >> used to treat rheumatoid arthri myocrisin, or sodium aurothiomalate, contains what precious metal? >> well, my mother has rheumatoid arthritis, and now i really wish i'd listened to her when she talked to me. >> whe endlessly, you should've listened. >> that's right. mama, i'm sorry. okay, what precious metal? platinum, gold... platinum, silver, gold, or bronze? injectable drug myo... "myo" isn't gold. okay, i want this $10,000, so and let's say even if i miss this one, i would still have $5,000. >> right, and you still keep your tickets, we won't take your celine dion away. >> yay. >> risking half your money, you leave with $5,000. you still have two lifelines. >> yes, okay. and i'm gonna use one of those. i'm gonna use my "50/50." >> final? >> final. >> okay, i'll take awa