and then our third speaker, tirana hassan, director of our crisis work, will be able to speak to amnesty's work on the rohingya as well as the situation in syria and any other crises that have been rising over the last several weeks and the last year. i'd like it might each of you that this launch today is actually part of an embargo effort. the report will not be released until 1201 eastern time so as that you do not live stream, you do not tweet or post online to social media, that you hold your stories until 12"01 tonight. thanks for being here again and i'll head over to salil. >> thank you all for joining us this morning. so when you're ago millions of people, not just in the united states, but across the world, were watching anxiously to see what a trump presidency would yield. after an election campaign of hateful and xenophobic and sexist rhetoric. they were also looking with trepidation across europe where intellectual races in france, netherlands, austria and germany were showcasing some of the rhetoric and the cynical use of fear and hatred. combined with already harsh crackdown