but also the tisa, to me, is just a back door effort on the part of the administration to change our immigration laws by letting people in, got to change the laws and also his climate agenda. and for it to be portrayed as oh unfortunately, which i heard you say, unfortunately, it didn't pass. that kind of does show you're biased. host: you might have caught me there wendy. all right, well, thanks for sharing your opinion. and again, yeah, the t.a., that assistance, not passing in the house voted down 302 and then the t.p.a., and also customs agreement, both of those passing earlier. the trade promotion authority passing by a very, very slim margin. i think that was 217-211. i'll double check those numbers for you. but let's look at some facebook comments here, one from marilyn. marilyn says she supports the t.p.a. i trust the president, president obama is breaking the law, why haven't the obama-mating -- hating republicans impeached him? maybe because they're liars. kathy said she's opposed to this trade agreement, it will put our businesses and farmers under control of international