our new christians have been targeted and one of the worst stories is i interview a woman named tish warren. she was the head of something called inner varsity christian fellowship. this is a christian fellowship group that dannatt on campus for about 10 years and the campus administrators basically said they couldn't be a campus group because they were not allowed to have full doctrinal beliefs or their leaders. that's a difficult thing when your christian group especially because they run bible studies. i had a long interview with her for the book and she said she was told by the administrators that she couldn't require her bible study teachers to believe in the trinity so how can you how can you have a bible study teacher that doesn't believe what you believe the bible says? for her it was a hard experience because she's a democrat. she's progressive than g.i.s felt like she kind of fit in but she's an orthodox christian. what she discovered was there was this absolute intolerance towards christians and she made a good point which is they can do this if they want to do it but they need t