. >> reporter: neglected tisha ortiz would steal quarters to buy food.age of four the state had already moved her in to foster care and by the time she exited the system, ortiz was taking 12 psych tropic pills a day. how old remember you when the doctors started prescribing you this medication and did they ever consult you what you wanted? >> at 14 was when i started taking these medications. at first when i was at the mental hospital, they sort of did, i was i wasn't on that many, i was only on two at first but until i went to the group home they started adding more and more. >> reporter: the cocktail of drugs left the once healthy team with serious side effects. >> i have like irregular heart beat. i have thyroid problems where it makes it very hard for me to lose weight. i felt like i wasn't really in control of my body. >> reporter: doctors prescribed psychiatric medication to about a quarter of teen i teenagers in california as foster system. in grope homes it's higher half of the children are on psych tropic pills the state spend more on these drug