and his colleagues do not insist, 393 proshchuk does not insist, 394 babenko, does not insist, 395 tisnykoes not insist, 396 heitmantsev, does not insist, 397, heitmantsev, does not insist, 398 does not insist 399 the railway does not insist, 400 the railway, does not insist, 401sha hetmantsev does not insist , 402, honcharenko, please, honcharenko insists , once again, we say that it should be a war budget, not bullshit, sorry, because we see how there serials, drums, then it's a telethon, nobody needs it, there's money for it, who doesn't have money for it, i continue. and once again i show the military, our other military, our cadets, well, now there will be an additional payment, they are starting to receive it, and by the way, they cannot start paying them for the fourth month. but even when the future 2-350 young officers will start paying extra 2-350 hryvnias per month, this is four years of a scholarship, so that the wedding cake from the wedding of a prosecutor and an employee of the state bureau of investigation, four years. friends, this is happening in our country, should thes