to do with fossil fuels, fossil fuels saved whales with drake drove that oil wel i in -- well in titusville years ago, look that elan phufpbg witmuskhas done with hi, he has done o on on his own, as far as harry reid, democrats people who want to change what is going on, all they have done is block keystone pipeline and gone over cold companys that is politics, leading up to election. >> it is fore are for votes, leftist environmental group has been so disappointed with that administration, coming out gangbuster saying they would fixing climate change and healthcare, they made a mess of both. harry reid has people he has to answer to, he has to somehow fix the world between now and then. neil: what is disturbing, i want to remind people, we have not been chumps on this issue, if you argue a lot of money has to be spent to address a problem, we have not been kheupbgsy sinct has been wasted, we have spent a lot of money. we're spending it and problem perists after nearly $80 billion, what does it take to move the needle. >> maybe 125 more years of fail our. >> '78, wall street has a headline