. >> a little tmi there, jason, but thank you. >> eliot spitzer's sin was hypocrisy we're all hypocrites. we are all about so massive contradictions and we all know it and yet when someone is outed, as having those contradictions, we want to punish that person, drive them from public life rather than saying there. but for the grace of god, go, i, it's burn the witch even snl, which had never actually mocks blitzer before, just had to get their jabs in on the newly anointed client number nine and you wanted to have sex with a hooker, but you didn't want to wear a condom really, really, but might not be scary if your client number he won, but you are client number nine but no detail caught the public's imagination quite like the tidbit that spitzer allegedly kept on his black sox while engaging with sex workers, even if he did keep black socks on, who cares like if that's a kink? then lord help us for weeks with the only thing anyone could talk about new york magazine had a great eliot spitzer cover by barbara kruger, the artists. >> i mean, it was everywhere and ashley do pray afterwards