for the taxi industry is that right now there is a battle waging between the taxi industry and the tncks and also among the tncs themselves, over driver supply. the magic of this mode is coming down to driver supply. if you don't have the drivers, you can't get the vehicles out onto the streets and the taxi industry, it's the wheelchair-accessible vehicles that suffer first, because a taxi driver, if given a choice is always going to choose a vehicle that is easier to drive; that is less mechanically prone to problems, and that doesn't cost as much to refuel and that isn't required to be in service to people who take a particularly long time to be able to service. there may be personal motivations and dedication we see that in a lot of our wheel-chair accessible taxi drivers, but as a purely economic proposition, it just doesn't pan out. so if you don't have enough drivers, then your wheelchair-accessible fleet gets left behind in the parking lot and that is exactly what happened. in fact, conditions are such that the ramp medallions that companies have held have been given back to us an