and tndc, the tenderloin neighborhood development corporation was one of the most successful, in terms of providing affordable housing and usually better housing conditions to literally thousands of tenderloin residents. jerry: behind us, you can see these high-rise hotels that were developed in the early 1980's. the early 80's were a period of intense development pressure on the neighborhood. due to the efforts of a lot of community activists, a lot of non-profits in the neighborhood, those development pressures were lessened somewhat for a period of time. and we... i feel that we may be looking at a period where we are seeing pressure from development. carolyn diamond: it's probably an area that's known for being unsafe, a little unsavory... high crime rate at 6th and market st. and it's a place where you don't see a lot of activity in the night-time, because people feel insecure and unsafe. and even though we have the warfield theater, we got the golden gate theater, and the orpheum theater in this area. people come out here at night, but because of the area itself, you don't see th