and, obviously, being a british subject, born in trinidad & tobago, a former establish colony, that obviously he has a bone to pick with london. and being born here in north america with my jaundiced view of the rotten fruits of 1776, i'm taking a jaundiced view of this particular country, the united states of america. but in any case with regard to your earlier point, i'm speaking at a forum in a few days by a newly-formed haitian studies institute at the city university of new york. which i'm quite optimistic about what it'll be able to do. and i think it, too, the formation of this institute reflects the interest in haiti that you're making reference to, because i think that once again those of us whose ancestors suffer the travails of slavery recognize that institutioning might have continued -- institution might have continued to persist but for the heroism of the haitian revolutionaries. and so we all owe an enormous debt of gratitude to haiti which many of us are trying to repay. and one of the points that i'm going to mention at the institute formation meeting is that after doing rese