bulls and bears, gary b smith, tobin smith. jonas max ferris, eric bolling and strategist keith murphy. eric, bottom line, can the economy afford the wait? >> no, brenda, why wait at all? right now, we need answers right now, we need solid tax structure and need to know where taxes are right now. that's why small businesses aren't hiring, they're not sure what's going on and what's going to happen in the future and they need these bush tax cuts to be extended right now, not later, not after we find out who wins the election. because the economy right now is at a very critical point. it could turn rnd an and get better, or you know, we risk another double dip recession which would be terrible, extend them now or all bets are off. >> and haven't business leaders and consumers been waiting long enough to find out to get rid of this uncertainty about their, about their tax future? >> well, i actually agree that double digi democrats should have taken action now. we need to get rid, to show the country and the world we're on the bat