team. >> prepass svn 34. >> martin: we were a little surprised by how many people it takes. >> todd benson. >> martin: eight people? >> benson: yes, sir. >> martin: for the entire world? >> benson: yes, sir. >> martin: so, are these technological experts? >> benson: yes, sir. but they're as young as 19 years old. >> martin: isn't there a minimum age for driving satellites? >> benson: ( laughs ) not here. >> martin: another thing that surprised us is that there's no way to effectively armor an important satellite like this or to conceal its location from attack. so it can't hide in space? >> cooley: that's true. and we... in fact, it's... it tells you where it is. >> martin: this is a system the whole world depends on, costs a small fortune to put it up there, and it's a sitting duck. >> cooley: well, this is one of the challenges that... in space command that we're... we are very aware of. >> martin: today, can a u.s. military satellite maneuver itself out of the way of an upcoming anti-satellite weapon? >> hyten: it depends on a huge number of variables. >> martin: so the answer is, maybe